15 May 23

Market Review and Prediction

Indeks di bursa Wall Street pada akhir pekan lalu ditutup melemah akibat kekhawatiran akan perlambatan ekonomi AS setelah data awal indeks Michigan consumer sentiment bulan Mei turun pada level terendah selama enam bulan terakhir di level 57,7, lebih rendah dari estimasi yang di level 63. Survei ini juga menunjukkan bahwa prospek inflasi dalam lima tahun mendatang naik pada level 3,2%. Pasar juga khawatir dengan perkembangan mengenai kenaikan plafon utang AS setelah negosiasi antara Presiden AS dan pemimpin kongres diundur dari Jumat lalu menjadi pekan ini. Sementara itu harga minyak mentah dan emas melemah akibat penguatan dollar AS. Penurunan harga minyak mentah juga disebabkan oleh kecemasan akan penurunan permintaan jika ekonomi AS melambat.

Data ekonomi AS yang akan dirilis pada pekan ini diantaranya retail sales, industrial production, housing starts, building permits dan existing home sales. Dari domestik, data ekonomi yang akan dirilis pada pekan ini diantaranya neraca perdagangan dan penjualan mobil.

IHSG pada perdagangan Jumat 12 Mei 2023 ditutup melemah 0,71% pada level 6707. Saham sektor basic material mengalami koreksi terbesar, sedangkan saham sektor properti membukukan kenaikan terbesar. Investor asing mencatatkan net sell Rp961,03 miliar termasuk transaksi di pasar non reguler. Pada perdagangan hari ini IHSG diperkirakan bergerak pada kisaran support 6670/6630 dan resistance 6735/6755. Stock pick: BBRI, BBCA, BRIS, AUTO, KLBF, ERAA, MYOR


• Pefindo menetapkan peringkat TPIA pada level idAA- dengan prospek stabil
• PTRO akan membeli 99,93% kepemilikan saham PT Kemilau Mulia Sakti milik PT Insan Global Pawulang senilai USD90,5 juta
• MAPA berencana stock split dengan rasio 1:10
• GTIS anggarkan capex tahun ini USD18-20 juta, dengan alokasi sebesar USD12,5 juta untuk pembelian kapal
• TMAS berencana stock split 1:10 dengan jadwal cum stock split pada 22 Mei 2023
• PGAS mendapat fasilitas pinjaman USD800 juta dari BBRI, BMRI, NISP dan BTPN
• Penjualan mobil ASII pada bulan April turun 25,33% yoy, namun pangsa pasarnya naik menjadi 59% dari 52%
• ADHI bersama Hutama Karya mendapatkan proyek jaringan pipa air limbah Sewerage Development Project Zona 1 Paket 6 di DKI Jakarta senilai total Rp620,7 miliar, dengan porsi ADHI sebesar Rp316 miliar

This report is prepared strictly for private circulation only to clients of PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia. It is purposed only to person having professional experience in matters relating to investments. The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. No warranty (express or implied) is made to the accuracy or completeness of the information. All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute our judgments as of this date, without regards to its fairness, and are subject to change without notice. However, none of PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia and/or its affiliated companies and/or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liability as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any other such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue thereof. We expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability (express or implied), its affiliated companies and their respective employees and agents whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, without limitation for any claims, proceedings, action, suits, losses, expenses, damages or costs) which may be brought against or suffered by any person as a results of acting in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this report and neither PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliated companies or their respective employees or agents accepts liability for any errors, omissions or misstatements, negligent or otherwise, in the report and any liability in respect of the report or any inaccuracy therein or omission there from which might otherwise arise is hereby expresses disclaimed. This document is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities. This firms and its affiliates and their officers and employees may have a position, make markets, act as principal or engage in transaction in securities or related investments of any company mentioned herein, may perform services for or solicit business from any company mentioned herein, and may have acted upon or used any of the recommendations herein before they have been provided to you. © PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia 2022
Published on 2023-05-15 06:13:41 (GMT +7)

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